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M Imre
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M Imre
Közlekedés klub vezetője
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M Imre
Közlekedés klub vezetője
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Szeretettel köszöntelek a Közlekedés klub közösségi oldalán!
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M Imre
Közlekedés klub vezetője
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Not Inconceivable | 2023. júl. 24.
This song was written by Alan Gill and Julian Cope. This track was produced by Clive Langer and Alan Winstanley, and was released in 1981. According to Wikipedia, this single reached No. 6 in their native UK and No. 11 in Ireland.
The presentations of the lyrics to this song found on lyrics websites all seem to contain bad mistakes. An official presentation of the lyrics is to be found in the liner notes of the releases of the "Kilimanjaro" album from 1981 onwards. The original 1980 release of the album did not include this song on it. A picture of the relevant page of the CD booklet can be seen here:
However, as is often the case with official presentations, that presentation is not an entirely accurate transcript of the words actually sung either. Presented below and as optional subtitles in the video is my own transcript of the lyrics, for which I have used that official presentation and the transcripts found on lyrics websites as a guide.
The Teardrop Explodes were an English post-punk/neo-psychedelic band formed in Liverpool in 1978. Best known for their Top Ten UK single "Reward", the group originated as a key band in the emerging Liverpool post-punk scene of the late 1970s. The group also launched the career of group frontman Julian Cope as well as that of keyboard player and co-manager David Balfe (later a record producer, A&R man and founder of Food Records). Other members included early Smiths producer Troy Tate.
The Teardrop Explodes
(Words and Music by Alan Gill and Julian Cope)
Bless my cotton socks, I'm in the news
The king sits on his face but it's all assumed
All wrapped up the same
All wrapped up the same
They can't have it
You can't have it
I can't have it too
Until I learn to accept my reward
Prisoners stand in queues and stand in queues
Live in solitude like Howard Hughes
All wrapped up the same
All wrapped up the same
Silence has it
Arrogance has it
I can't have it, ooh
Until I learn to accept my reward
Suddenly it struck me very clear
Oh, suddenly it struck me very clean
They're all wrapped up the same (Same)
All wrapped up the same (Same)
They can't have it
You can't have it
I can't have it too
Until I learn to accept my reward
Until I learn to accept my reward
Until I learn to accept my reward
Until I learn to accept my
I learn to expect my
I learn to accept my reward
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